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Entries in Cadiz (25)


A Week in my Life: Thursday - A Day All to Myself

Today is almost exactly like my Sunday, so I won’t go into too much detail. I wake up hungover today and slug myself and Smokey up to the horses to feed. Today, Rhiannon is cleaning all the rooms so I can take some of our "problem children" out for some exercise. Antonio’s here to help me today and although I’m glad to have the company, I’m worried that the headache I...

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A Week in my Life: Wednesday - Everyone Deserves a Day Off

Now I know what you're saying. Why on earth would I ever need a day off? A vacation? Every DAY is a vacation for me, right? Well. Yes. Mostly, you are right. I am selfish for even writing this absurd blog post. But, the work, however exotic and incredible it is on a daily basis, it's still work. And it's hard work, at that! Lots of physical labor and not a lot of "me" time. Usually this is...

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A Week in my Life: Tuesday - I get Paid to Ride Horses on the Beach!

Tuesday begins the same way as Monday, only I get to sleep in for an extra 15 minutes as we have less to do this morning. We only tack up 10 horses today, and Rachel stays home with her 4 year old daughter Charlie so Vinnie can come out with us on his bike to take pictures of the guests. By the time we’re finished tacking up today, I’m officially awake and notice that Mitch, one of the forest...

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A Week in my Life: Monday - The Reason Sunday doesn't bother me

Today my alarm started buzzing at 7:30 AM. Under any other circumstances, this is the part of the day where I would scream and hide dreading the day ahead of me and incapable of doing anything productive. But it’s a Monday, and that means we have a lot to do today to get ready for the ride as all of the saddles have to be put back together. I roll out of bed at 8 still wearing the t-shirt I wore to the bar last night and not...

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A Week in my Life: Sunday - My "Monday" in the office

Sundays for me are both the beginning and the end of my work week. This morning, at 8, I said goodbye to 8 amazing guests who I had a fantastic week riding with last week. We hugged, made promises to keep in touch via facebook and waved furiously as Andrew drove the van out of the driveway and off to the airport in Malaga. As soon as the car was out of site, Rhiannon and I exchanged the look of "here we go again" and...

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A Week in my Life

Alright guys. Whether you wanted it or not, I'm going to be bothering you with my writing again. And to kick-start off that effort, I'm going to spend a week talking about what I do on a day-to-day basis out in el campo for Los Alamos in San Ambrosio, Spain. So for the next SEVEN days I will be dissecting every aspect of my life for your pleasure (as well as mine, nostalgically). I will try and remember to link to each other day...

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La Noche por la Paz - Los Caños de Meca

The end of the summer in my town means one thing: the mass exodus of tourists, jobs, crowds and heat. But before that can happen, Los Caños de Meca hosts its final hurrah for summer and sends our friend verano out the door with a bang; literally. It’s the annual Fiesta de los timbales (Party of the drums) called El Noche por la Paz - The Night for Peace (Don't click that if you can't read Spanish). That is when 40,000 people descend on our tiny hippie beach town and congregate in masses on the sand to listen to a hoard of other random hippies beat on drums.

by Brian AuerIf you’ve ever been to the Venice beach Sunday drum circle, than there’s really no need to go to this. It’s basically the same, except add a bunch of live music acts, some fire dancers and about 1000 drums. I know I just made it seem like it’s a lot better than the Venice drum circle, but it’s really not. It’s basically exactly the same. Only it lasts for like 14 hours more, as this festival starts at about 11 AM and goes until the sun comes up the following day.

But, all the same, and in the spirit of not comparing one place to another, I head down to the drum festival with Jack, Clair and our other friend Adrian.  We take a cab because we know it’s going to be a crazy night and also because between the four of us, we can’t come up with a viable means of transportation. Adrian rides a dirt bike, which he is afraid might get stolen because (apparently) it’s nice. Jack forgot to fill his bike up with gas before the gas station closed and Clair broke her arm and can’t ride her moped anymore. So that leaves me with the big red van, which dad rightly told me I was not allowed to drive down and leave while I got plastered.

So we spent an hour or so on the beach, watching the drums and the firedancers do their dancing and drumming, while we sipped on our litronas and munched on a bag of ham flavored Ruffles – which in my opinion are just as disgusting as they sound, but with jamón being the national flavor of Spain, I’ve had to get used to.

by Brian AuerOne thing that’s really nice about running a tourist based holiday is that I’ve gotten close to many of the bartenders in the area. Most of them know me by name and recognize me even in the masses of people that trek around in the summer. Most know me as the stupid American who doesn’t speak good Spanish, but I’ve been called worse things, and as long as it gets me recognized, that’s good enough for me.

Especially tonight, as every bar we passed, we stopped, and every bartender I knew, gave me a free drink. Cha-ching! I knew the benefits would come in sooner or later. By the time we got to the end of the street by the lighthouse Faro de Trafalgar I was pleasantly toasted and it was nearly 4 AM. We had also acquired friends at this point who decided that it was a good place to sit down and roll a couple joints. The rest of us non-smokers continued to sip on one of the now 4 or 5 drinks we were carrying (it takes two hands to roll a joint – a super bonus of not being a pothead – cupholder) and enjoyed the incredibly chilled out environment.

But that wasn’t all, after we finished up our beach bar crawl, we headed back into Los Caños to our popular watering hole Ketama where we proceeded to shut the place down – mind you, it didn’t happen until almost 6 AM. As I looked at my watch at 6 and realized that I had to be at work in an hour and  a half, I came to grips with the fact that I was not likely to be getting any sleep. It was even more apparent when we were still waiting for a cab a half hour later. When I rolled into my apartment at 7:15 I had just enough time to change clothes, stuff a couple of slices of toast and a cup of coffee down and meet Rachel outside to go tack up horses.

But that’s ok. I have the rest of my life to sleep right?


Mundial 2010 - Spain wins the World Cup

The World Cup is kind of like, this event that as an American, we try REALLY hard to care about, but then we generally end up sucking and so we cease to watch any matches after our defeat and then have some ginormous party for the final where the game is on a big screen in some side-room while the main party is held in another room filled with sounds of the Boss or something equally as patriotic drinking Red, White and Blue Jell-O shots and American flag tattoos on our faces. Yes, sadly, to most of us, the World Cup is just some sporting event we’re usually not involved in for very long and therefore is just another excuse to get drunk with our friends.

For me, this year, was different. First off, I’m living with an English family. To say that the English live and breathe fútbol… ok so ya…

[Begin Rant]

While we’re at it, I will be referring to this game as fútbol. I refuse to call it football (although sometimes I do around here to appease my family and not begin another heated debate about how retarded we are to be the only people in the world to call it soccer) because football to me, is, and will always be played with a real, leather, oblong, brown football and that is the only sport I will ever… EVER refer to as actual football. However, since this post is being written in Spain, and mainly revolves around my interactions with Spanish fútbol, I will make everyone happy by just referring to it as that.

[End Rant]

Back to the Brits. They like their footy. When it’s not on television, the sidebar on Sky with the sports news is up, or Jack’s playing Football Manager (proper noun, it’s an exception to my fútbol rule) on the laptop, or Andrew’s reading up news on the internet. It surrounds me. We had a countdown to the beginning of the World Cup and the fam even bought England shirts when they were in Gibraltar the week before the first game and all wore MATCHING England shirts during the first game.  So naturally, in addition to cheering for the good 'ol US of A, I decided to not cheer for England, but to cheer instead for the country where I am currently residing.

And that happened to be a very advantageous choice as – in case you’ve been hiding in a rock, or living anywhere in America where it would not surprise me if this didn’t make the 5 o’clock news – Spain won the 2010 World Cup. And I was here. In Spain! Ya, ok I know that’s not as exciting as being at the game itself, which if you’re interested in reading anything about, I’d highly recommend the blog of a friend of mine, Colin, who was every US game leading up to the World Cup Final and then at the Final itself, cheering on the brave Spaniards. However, this was a close second.

The games leading up to the final were always watched at Miguel’s. For the first few rounds, Vinny, Jose and I would meet about 20 minutes before kickoff and would take our places at the bar cheering loudly, drinking copious amounts of beer and generally not saying much of anything to eachother. The final, however was a completely different story.

Miguel brought down his flat screen from his house and perched it on a sherry keg (how Spanish) outside the bar. We then proceeded to pile every chair, barstool, table and human outside onto the patio, drawing the wind screens down over the sides and top to keep us shaded. We all dressed up in Red and Yellow for the final. Lots of kids came with faces painted and tattoos. There were flags, boas, bright yellow plastic earrings and even a pair of bright red corduroy pants on a man who likely has had them stuffed in a drawer since 1975.

by ArticularnosWe screamed, cheered, grimaced and hugged through every saque de  esquina, puerta, mano o falta that happened throughout the game and (literal) fireworks were lit when we scored the first (and only) goal in extra time. The television sound was turned off, the music blared full blast and the parking lot ablaze with bright red and yellow fireworks (there’s no way we got a permit from the guardabosques to use those). And when the game was over, the entire bar erupted. Everyone was hugging one another, there was champagne being squirted all over, there were shots handed out to everyone who didn’t get champagne, grown men were crying and children were screaming. There were 50 year old men dancing on cars and 5 year old boys stripping their shirts off and swinging them over their heads. There was a parade down the main Yellow Brick Road in town with excessive honking, flag flying and just the right amount of screaming.

by ArticularnosIt was incredible. At one point after the game, the crowd was chanting “Soy Español, Español, Español” – I am Spanish – and I was clapping along and not yelling anything, thinking to myself, well, I’m not Spanish. A man next to me who is a patriarch in the community, would be the closest thing to a Mayor I would say this little campo town has (and the same one who was wearing the Red pants) tapped me on the shoulder and asked “Por qué tú no cantas?” – Why are you not singing? – “Porque no soy Española” – Because I’m not Spanish – “Esta noche, eres Española. Ven conmigo. Canta!” – Tonight, you are Spanish. Come with me. Sing! – he shouted as he grabbed my arm and pulled me into the congo line. And I felt it.

Esta noche, soy Española.